Client Service Charter

This document describes our commitment to ensuring that you, as a valued user of this Centre, have an understanding of the standards you can expect from us and what you can do if you think that those standards are not met.


The Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre is a non-profit, incorporated Association funded by the Queensland Government’s Department of Communities.  It also receives funding from the Federal Government’s Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Services.  The organisation is managed by a voluntary Management Board elected annually by the membership of the organisation.


Building strengths and capacities, promoting links, embracing diversity and engaging community, for families, individuals and groups.


  • The Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre is a non-sectarian, non-political organisation.
  • KNC is committed to social justice principles – equality, participation, access and equity.
  • Services are provided on a non-discriminatory
  • “Participation” also includes a commitment to community participation in all levels of the Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre’s operations.


All members of the community who seek our support including individuals, families and the community generally


  • Provide information and appropriate referrals to individuals, families and the community;
  • Provide programs for individuals, families and the community;
  • Assist local groups;
  • Provide a support service for people who are experiencing financial difficulties;
  • Provide face-to-face and telephone counselling to individuals;
  • Deliver community education and personal development workshops and courses.


We will:

  • Act honestly, ethically and with professionalism at all times;
  • Respect your privacy and the confidentiality of the information that you provide to us;
  • Ensure that any information that you give to us will not be divulged to other parties without your consent, unless required to do so by law;
  • Treat you with courtesy and understanding;
  • Be sensitive to cultural and linguistic diversity;
  • Provide you with an interpreter and/or other assistance required to ensure good communication
  • Within organisational financial and other resource constraints, provide you with choices in the way that services are delivered to you; and
  • Encourage and assist you to have a support person available to if you require one to assist you to participate in decisions and planning that affects you .


Quality responsive services

We will attend to you as quickly as we are able.  This means that:

  • We will answer the phone promptly;
  • If the person you talk to cannot answer your enquiry, they will put you in touch with someone who can give you an appropriate response;
  • We will respond to all your letters and emails, and;
  • If you lodge a complaint, we will work with you to understand and address your concerns. Please see the contact details below should you wish to lodge a complaint.

Courtesy and respect

We will treat you with courtesy and respect.

Fair and equal services

Our staff members aware of the cultural diversity and we will provide services in a fair and equitable way.

Because we want everyone to be treated fairly, we will ensure we have premises and facilities that you can access easily.


You will receive up-to-date and accurate information.  Whenever possible, our staff will explain any decision-making processes that might impact on you.  If we cannot assist you, we will do our best to refer you to someone who can.


We will treat your personal and confidential information with sensitivity.  We will collect, store and use your personal and confidential information responsibly.  Please note that in some circumstances, we may be required to release your information without your consent.


  • Giving us complete and accurate information, being respectful of our staff and volunteers and letting us know if you have any particular problems or needs;
  • Helping us to understand your needs so that we can give you the best possible service. You can do this by talking with our staff and participating in the consultation activities we conduct, we will listen to you;
  • Letting us know if you cannot keep an appointment, or
  • Change your contact details.


We will:

  • Give you an opportunity to have a say about the way we provide services;
  • Maintain compliance with the standards set out in this Charter and those required by our funding bodies;
  • Regularly review our service delivery against those standards;
  • Undertake to continually identify and address ways in which we can make our services better for our clients, and ;
  • Regularly liaise with our funding bodies and provide reports to ensure financial and service delivery accountability.


  • If you are happy with the service we provide, please let us know;
  • If you are not satisfied or have any concerns or suggestions about the service we provide please contact the person who dealt with the matter and see if your concerns can be resolved directly with them;
  • Alternatively, you may choose to contact the Manager of the service, who will listen to your concerns and respond to you within one week. You can make your complaint in person or in writing to the co-ordinator or write to the President of the Management Board at our address;
  • Client feedback forms are also available directly from the Manager.


  • About the services we provide?
  •  Becoming a member of the Centre?
  • Volunteering at the Centre?


The Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre

6 Rob Vievers Drive
PO Box 170
Kuranda 4881

Ph: 4093 8933