
Currently we have two streams of funding from the Departments of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts and the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services . They are called Community Support Services (CSS) and Family Support (FS). They each have a wage/salary component to employ the Manager and Family Support Worker. The other parts of each stream of funding are called ‘administration’ and ‘operational’ components. When added together, they cover some the overheads and running costs of the centre including the administration and bookkeeping that The Bookkeeper and Admin Officer does. We get some funding from the Federal Department of Social Services to support the No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS). KNC also relies very significantly on income raised from , internet use, copying , printing, room hire and donations. Sometimes we apply for ‘one-off’ grants for a specific capital item (eg Photocopy machine) or project/program.
The Board make all the decisions about what to do with the money we receive from the State Government or that we generate ourselves. Some of this money goes towards program costs (where the government money is not enough), to community development activities (such as Family Days) or to equipment such as new computers or a specific project (such as the trailer for the furniture exchange program).
A budget is written and approved by the Board for each Financial Year and includes everything that we spend money on from the garden maintenance to Insurance, vehicle expenses, electricity, rates, phone, maintenance of equipment and so on.